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23 Odd Facts About Cornelius Fudge (Traits, Quotes & More)

Every character’s got flaws.

And it’s what makes them so fun to read about…

Not to mention, see their fumbles in live action too.

However, Cornelius Fudge’s a different matter.

Because he’s got 1 of the worst reputations as Minister.

But the way everything falls down will leave you speechless…

Continue reading to discover:

  • What happened to Cornelius Fudge.
  • Why Cornelius disliked Albus Dumbledore.
  • The shocking truth on why Fudge became the least popular Minister.
  • And so much more…

About Cornelius Fudge

BornBefore 1964
PurityPure-blood or Half-blood (Likely, but not proven)
HouseSlytherin (Likely, but not proven)
Character TraitsJudgmental, Arrogant, Cruel, Selfish
Zodiac SignGemini (Likely, but not proven)

Cornelius Fudge background

Cornelius Fudge was born sometime before 1964.

And while we don’t have any concrete evidence.

There’s a good chance he was either a Pure-blood or a Half-blood

Since he placed a lot of importance on blood purity.

So Fudge could’ve come from a pure wizarding family…

Or had at least 1 magical parent. 

Unfortunately, we don’t know much about his life growing up.

The Harry Potter series never explored it.

In fact, nobody even knows what house he went to in Hogwarts.

But some fans guess he was a Slytherin.

Because he had some of Slytherin’s good and bad traits

Like being ambitious and judgmental.

Cornelius Fudge occupation

Cornelius Fudge worked as the Minister of Magic.

The leader of the wizarding community…

Like how a President would be in some countries.

But was he any good?

Well, let’s just say he cared way too much about his own image.

You see, as the highest-ranking member of the Ministry…

It was Fudge’s job to keep the peace.

But instead of actually maintaining the safety…

He never listened to Albus Dumbledore or Harry about Voldemort’s return.

And because Cornelius could never see the bigger picture…

He was only Minister for 6 years.

Cornelius Fudge character

Fudge was a bit fat.

And he had messy grey hair too.

But his most recognizable feature?

Well, he loved wearing a lime green bowler hat.

So you’d spot him out in a crowd all the time.

But as for Fudge’s personality…

It’s not as colorful as his hat choices.

He was an arrogant Minister that wouldn’t believe the truth if it slapped him in the face.

And close to being crazy…

Because he kept believing that Dumbledore was trying to overthrow him somehow.

3 most famous Cornelius Fudge quotes

#1: “Well, Harry, you’ve had us all in a right flap, I don’t mind telling you. Running away from your aunt and uncle’s house like that! I’d started to think… but you’re safe, and that’s what matters. Eat, Harry, you look dead on your feet. Now then… You will be pleased to hear that we have dealt with the unfortunate blowing-up of Miss Marjorie Dursley. Two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Department were dispatched to Privet Drive a few hours ago. Miss Dursley has been punctured and her memory has been modified. She has no recollection of the incident at all. So that’s that, and no harm done.”

Cornelius Fudge wanted to reassure Harry Potter that everything was okay.

And that any trouble he caused was already fixed.

But what about Fudge’s true intentions?

Well, he was actually relieved to see Harry perfectly fine.

Because he didn’t what The-Boy-Who-Lived to die during his administration.

#2: “So, you intend to take on Dawlish, Shacklebolt, Dolores, and myself single-handed, do you, Dumbledore?”

When Albus Dumbledore took the blame for Dumbledore’s Army.

Cornelius was happy when he found out about the secret organization…

Because he would use it as a reason to put Dumbledore behind bars.

But did Dumbledore surrender himself?

Not in the slightest.

And it’s 1 of the best moments from the film:

#3: “My dear Prime Minister, you can’t honestly think I’m still Minister for Magic after all this? I was sacked three days ago! The whole wizarding community has been screaming for my resignation for a fortnight. I’ve never known them so united in my whole term of office!”

The wizarding world already knew Fudge had stepped down.

But the rest of the world?

Well, the news didn’t travel that fast in Muggle society.

So when the non-magical Prime Minister tried contacting Cornelius…

That’s how we got this funny reply.

More facts about Cornelius Fudge

#1: Saw the aftermath of the attack on Godric’s Hollow

Cornelius Saw The Aftermath Of The Attack On Godric's Hollow

Do you recall when the Dark Lord attacked the Potter family’s home?

Well, apart from Sirius Black being framed for their deaths…

Cornelius Fudge was among the first people to arrive at the scene of the crime.

And what he saw that night would never escape his mind…

Because all that was left to see was Sirius Black laughing like a madman.

In fact, Cornelius still can’t get the image out of his head from that night.

And it explains why he thinks Sirius Black’s a dangerous threat to society…

Since the man’s laughter still haunted him.

Of course, there are a bunch of scenes that prove Sirius was innocent.

But Cornelius Fudge didn’t know about any of them.

And it’s 1 of his better moments as Minister…

Because he was simply trying to keep everyone safe. 

#2: A selfish wizard who always held a grudge

Before Cornelius Fudge came into power.

Millicent Bagnold served as the Minister for Magic.

A witch who showed the very best traits of Ravenclaw

Because she was 1 of the most eccentric Ravenclaws ever to live.

In fact, she even let the entire wizarding world celebrate after Voldemort’s fall.

However, by the turn of the 20th century…

Milicent had to retire.

But was Cornelius Fudge next in line?

Not by a long shot.

Everybody preferred Albus Dumbledore.

But he kept turning the offer down.

As a result, the wizarding community looked to Barty Crouch Sr.

However, Barty Crouch Jr ruined any of his father’s chances…

Because he was 1 of Voldemort’s dark wizards.

So the people settled for Cornelius Fudge.

But did he celebrate after earning a high position?

Not in the slightest.

He held a grudge against Dumbledore for his popularity.

And he was jealous of how Barty Crouch Sr was next in line after Albus Dumbledore.

In fact, Cornelius went out of his way to put Barty Sr in a less important role.

So Barty wouldn’t have the chance to redeem himself.

#3: Not very confident

Although Cornelius Fudge came off as arrogant…

He wasn’t always the most self-confident person he’s known today. 

And where’s the proof, you ask?

Well, during his early years as Minister for Magic…

Cornelius actually kept sending letters to Albus Dumbledore.

And that’s because he was never sure about the stuff he was doing.

So to keep himself on the right side of the world…

He always sought out the advice of Dumbledore.

Of course, it’s a smart move to ask for help from the wisest and strongest wizard in the world.

But for someone in the Minister position…

Cornelius Fudge lacked a lot of backbone. 

And research says courage is very important…

Especially for people in leadership roles.

So it really makes you wonder how Fudge got chosen in the first place.

#4: Goblin-Crusher

As crazy as it sounds…

It’s actually true.

And Cornelius Fudge somehow earned the name ‘Goblin-Crusher’.

“How’d he earn that nickname?”

Well, it’s not what you think.

You see, The Quibbler wrote an article about Cornelius Fudge.

And the untrustworthy tabloid said he was trying to take over Gringotts. The famous wizarding bank that was run by Goblins.

In fact, the Quibbler said Cornelius killed these magical beings…

So he could take over the bank.

But did he ever hurt a Goblin in his life?

Not even a scratch.

Of course, only very few people believed in The Quibbler…

Especially for its reputation of crazy stories.

But that doesn’t change the fact that ‘Goblin-Crusher’ isn’t a title you want to have.

And if research says lies can become the truth for some people…

That type of press was actually dangerous for Fudge’s career. 

#5: Hogsmeade permission slip

Hogsmeade Permission Slip

Harry Potter wanted to go to Hogsmeade.

And he would need permission from a guardian to go anywhere near the wizarding village.

But his uncle Vernon Dursley wouldn’t do it anymore…

Because Harry sent his aunt Marge Dursley flying away like a balloon.

And can you guess who Harry asked next?

Well, as funny as it sounds…

Harry Potter asked if Cornelius Fudge could sign it for him.

Of course, Fudge had to decline.

And it was an extremely uncomfortable encounter too.

But it’s both hilarious and sad to think about…

Since Harry Potter considered a lousy Minister to be the closest thing to a guardian he could get.

#6: Called for a Hippogriff execution

I know it was Lucius Malfoy who pushed for it.

So you can put your pitchforks down.

But since Cornelius Fudge was the Minister…

He did have to approve the idea before it could happen.

Not to mention, he was also going to be the witness to Buckbeak‘s death.

On the bright side, the Hippogriff was safe.

And Cornelius Fudge didn’t get there in time…

Because Harry and Hermione saved the magical beast before anything bad could happen.

But seeing Cornelius lose him trying to look for Buckbeak was 1 of the funniest moments in the film.

And if you’re interested in watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again…

You can use this simple trick to watch all the movies on Netflix.

#7: Tried to make light of the Triwizard Tournament incident

The Triwizard Tournament was an important event.

Because Hogwarts would host the international magic contest…

Inviting Dumrstrang and Beuaxbatons onto Hogwarts school grounds. 

And can you guess who the head of organizing everything was?

Well, it’s none other than Cornelius Fudge.

Unfortunately, the tournament’s end took a turn for the worst.

And that’s because Cedric Diggory died at the hands of Voldemort that night. 

But can you guess how Cornelius Fudge reacted?

He tried to make light of the situation…

Saying that Cedric only needed to go to the hospital.

Of course, there was no hiding anything at that point…

After Cedric’s father, Amos Diggory, saw the body and cried out in grief.

But it does give us a closer look into Fudge…

And just how cruel he can be.

Sure, Cornelius was trying to calm people down.

But that was the most cold-hearted way to do it.

In fact, research says the loss of a loved one’s the worst pain anyone can experience.

And for Cornelius to shrug it off like nothing…

It’s the most heartless thing a Minister could say at that moment.