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Dumbledore vs Gandalf: Who Would Win A Fight? [Surprising]

The world of fantasy and magic has many popular characters.

But nobody comes close to the great wizards from Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings:

Albus Dumbledore and Gandalf.

However, what would happen if they fought?

In fact, who’s actually stronger?

Continue reading to discover:

  • Who would win in a battle between Dumbledore and Gandalf.
  • Gandalf’s greatest feats versus Dumbledore’s many achievements.
  • Why it’s difficult to have a match between these 2 legendary wizards.
  • A shocking bonus ending on how the magical duel will award an unlikely winner.
  • And so much more…

Dumbledore vs Gandalf: Who would win a fight?

Gandalf would win against Dumbledore. Although both characters are famous wizards, Gandalf was much stronger. He’s lived far longer and survived more dangerous situations. As a result, Gandalf had much more wisdom and battle experience than Dumbledore. Gandalf’s magic also surpasses Dumbledore’s.

Magic’s pretty hard to scale

A legendary wizard fight sounds epic.

However, putting Dumbledore against Gandalf isn’t that simple.

For starters, the magic of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings work differently.

We never see Gandalf shout:

“Avada Kedavra.”

Because a spell that instantly kills a person doesn’t exist in Middle-earth.

And in the same fashion…

You’ll never find Dumbledore screaming:

“You shall not pass!”

Because there aren’t any scenes about fighting literal gods in the wizarding world.

So if we’re going to put these 2 wizards in a proper match-up…

We’ll look at both of them during their prime.

And we’ll try our best to compare their strongest feats.

On top of that, we’re taking away any moral obligations.

Because both Dumbledore and Gandalf were good guys.

You see, they would always avoid any conflict as much as possible.

And even if a study shows being kind leads to a happier life…

Not to mention, kindness also gives you more motivation…

It’s not going to be any use in a fight.

So we’re setting the stage for a battle to the death.

And the 2 wizards will go at each other’s throats without holding back…

Even if you wouldn’t normally see them do those things. 

“If Dumbledore doesn’t have to hold back… he wins, right?”

I’m not going to lie.

The Headmaster of Hogwarts using 100% of his power sounds terrifying.

Dumbledore’s already the strongest wizard in the Harry Potter universe.

Plus, he’s 1 hell of a mastermind too.

Sure, Snape killed Dumbledore.

But if you understand the reasons behind his death…

It’s all part of Dumbledore’s master plan.

And he’s been secretly pulling the strings in the background.

In fact, he barely even broke a sweat fighting against Voldemort.

Which goes to show how powerful Albus Dumbledore can be.

“Hey, Gandalf’s no slouch either!”

Likewise, the Wandering Wizard of Middle-earth was also very powerful.

And if the Harry Potter universe had wizarding wars…

Gandalf fought bravely in the War of the Ring.

A bloody conflict between the armies of evil and the allied forces.

In fact, by the very end of the war…

He was considered the most powerful wizard in Middle-earth’s history.

And who could forget his arrival at the Battle of Helm’s Deep?

When orcas overran the defenses, and everything seemed impossible to overcome…

Gandalf’s figure shined like a beacon of hope.

And it’s definitely a must-watch scene:

“If both of them had their moments, then who’s stronger?”

Well, as powerful as Dumbledore was…

His strength doesn’t scale against Gandalf.

Of course, it would still be a beautiful fight to witness.

But the Headmaster of Hogwarts can’t win.

Middle-earth’s greatest wizard would be far too strong.

And before you rally your pitchforks in defense of Dumbledore…

Here are…

7 reasons why Gandalf would win a fight against Dumbledore

#1: Gandalf’s a godlike being

Dumbledore may be well over a hundred years old.

However, even if wizards tend to live longer…

He’s still a mortal.

In contrast, Gandalf’s a Maiar. Or a godlike being that helped shape the world.

And to give you a good reference…

They’re a lot like angels.

He just looks like an old man.

But don’t let his appearances fool you.

That’s just the form the Maiar takes.

Of course, not all of them were made equal.

Some were far stronger than the rest.

For example, we have Melian.

A Maiar who was strong enough to cast a protective barrier around Doriath.

And entire land covered by many forests where elves lived.

But does that take away from Gandalf’s powers?

No, of course not.

He’s still a lot stronger than regular people.

In fact, Gandalf’s purpose was to guide others.

And that’s because he was too strong.

So if he tried to intervene with full force…

It would make things unfair.

As a result, Dumbledore wouldn’t stand a chance.

Sure, he’s a master of magic.

And he won’t go down without a fight.

But the difference in power is too great.

“Dumbledore’s a genius. So he can think of a weakness, right?”

Of course, Gandalf’s not invincible.

He can still get hurt.

So if Dumbledore lands a good stunning spell…

Or maybe even brew a potion to poison Gandalf…

Albus can slowly chip away at his opponent. 

But do you really think a powerful wizard would let Dumbledore get away with that?

Gandalf’s no pushover.

And he can cast beams of light and fire to defend himself.

“What if Dumbledore uses Expelliarmus? Won’t Gandalf be weaker without a staff?”

That’s a pretty good idea.

Disarming Gandalf sounds like a weak point, right?

However, it will take a lot more than that to beat him.

You see, if Dumbledore can cast spells without a wand.

Gandalf can do the same.

He doesn’t rely on the staff.

Of course, it makes his spells much stronger.

But he can do fine without it.

Funnily enough, he also uses it as a walking stick.

So getting rid of the staff won’t make things any easier.

Dumbledore will still struggle to defeat a godlike being.

#2: He’s got a lot more experience under his belt

War is scary.

In fact, a study recommends immediately getting mental health treatment after a war. Because it can reduce the effects of trauma and stress if you get it early.

And if we look at Dumbledore’s case.

He’s clearly been through a lot.

He put a stop to Grindelwald’s plans for the Global Wizarding War.

On top of that, he survived Voldemort’s 1st rise to power.

Plus, he played a crucial role in stopping the 2nd Wizarding War.

So, he’s 1 battle-hardened wizard.

As a result, his experience should give him a leg up against Gandalf, right?

Surely, the wisdom from war can help in a battle to the death?

Well, Gandalf’s got a lot more experience.

He’s been alive for well over 24,000 years.

And that’s a lot more than Dumbledore.

On top of that, Gandalf didn’t waste that time.

He was always busy doing something.

And he’s fought many battles too.

So if we’re comparing each wizard’s wisdom…

Gandalf was a lot more worldly.

And even if his experiences were limited to Middle-earth…

That doesn’t take away from the lessons he’s learned.

“Wisdom’s not everything in a fight. Dumbledore’s also charismatic.”

Dumbledore did have a way with words.

And if he said the right things to Gandalf…

Dumbledore could sneak in a chance to attack, right?

Well, that would work with most opponents.

But Gandalf’s just as charismatic.

So you can’t fool him and expect him to fall for it.

He’s led armies on the front lines.

As a result, nothing’s going to faze him.

Because he stared death in the face and didn’t flinch.

For example, in the Battle of Helm’s Deep.

Gandalf rode his horse straight into the enemy ranks.

And he led 1000-foot soldiers into the fray.

#3: He isn’t limited to using magic alone

Gandalf Isn't Limited To Using Magic Alone

Dumbledore’s really good with magic.

And nobody in the wizarding world could ever beat him.

But if you take away his wand and powers…

What else does he have to offer?

Dumbledore becomes a sitting duck in this situation.

However, what about Gandalf?

Well, he doesn’t just rely on magic alone.

He’s also pretty good with a sword.

And even if he looks like an old man…

He fights just as well as any experienced swordsman.

So before you think Dumbledore’s got the upper hand in close quarters…

Gandalf can bring out Glamdring. A legendary sword that can even call upon lightning.

And if Dumbledore took a hit from straight to the face…

Even an Apparition spell won’t save him.

He can only teleport for so long until Gandalf lands a hit.

Or if the lightning strikes him.

“But what about Dumbledore’s Patronus? It’s the strongest defensive spell.”

Yes, Dumbledore can cast Expecto Patronum.

And a charm that strong can protect him from most magical attacks.

So as long as he keeps his distance…

He should be able to defend himself.

As a result, things must boil down to a tie, right?

Well, if Dumbledore spends the entire fight defending…

It’s not much of a battle.

It’s a landslide victory for Gandalf.

#4: He’s extremely resilient and durable

There are a bunch of reasons why Dumbledore’s powerful.

And he’s got a lot of skills that make him strong.

But if we’re talking about who’s more resilient…

Gandalf takes the cake.

You see, he fought a Balrog.

A Maiar like himself.

But it has the power and appearance of a demon.

Balrogs were large monsters.

And they were strong enough to consume the light of stars.

So what happened to Gandalf?

He fought the beast for 10 straight days.

Not to mention, he spent half of the time falling.

And the other half climbing up to the peak of a mountain while fighting.

But the craziest part?

He actually managed to defeat it.

Even when Gandalf was in a weakened state.

In contrast, we’ve never seen Dumbledore fight that long.

Or go up against an opponent that powerful.

So if he were in Gandalf’s shoes…

Dumbledore might not even last a day.

Plus, research shows stress build-up can be very dangerous. And it can even worsen the pain in your joints too.

So if Dumbledore’s not ready for a long battle… 

He doesn’t stand a chance against Gandalf.

“What about Dumbledore’s Legilimency? It should help him read Gandalf’s next move.”

Of course, it’s a powerful skill.

And it will help him anticipate Gandalf’s next strike.

As a result, Dumbledore won’t have much trouble dodging.

Plus, with enough time to read Gandalf’s mind.

He could even find out a way to beat him.

However, nobody knows how long that will take.

And even if Dumbledore’s a talented wizard…

He’s not going up against someone weaker than him.

So it will take much longer than usual to break into Gandalf’s mind.

And if there’s 1 thing Dumbledore doesn’t have…

He can’t afford the luxury of time when fighting against Gandalf.

#5: He’s basically an immortal spirit

Okay, let’s say Dumbledore lands a killing blow.

And he actually manages to cast an Avada Kedavra on Gandalf.

That should mark the end of the battle, right?

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.

Gandalf’s basically an immortal spirit.

So even if his physical body dies…

He doesn’t actually pass away.

For example, when he fought the Balrog.

He actually met his end during that fight.

But did he really die?

No, the Gods of Middle-earth resurrected him.

Because they believed Gandalf still had a lot more to do.

So Dumbledore will need to do a lot more than just kill him.

The Headmaster of Hogwarts needs to trap Gandalf for good. 

Or get a Dementor to help him in the battle.

Because these Dark creatures can take away a victim’s soul.

#6: Narya, the ring of fire

Gandalf’s not just a fancy wizard in robes.

And apart from his sword and staff…

He’s also got Narya, the ring of fire.

“How’s that supposed to help him in a fight?”

Well, it works much better with a group because it can inspire others.

Which is extremely important during times of war.

But it’s also known for resisting tyranny and despair.

So if Dumbledore tries any dirty ticks…

Like using Legilimency to plant bad thoughts.

Or use the Imperius Curse to put Gandalf under mind control.

Gandalf’s ring will protect him from these attacks.

As a result, it will limit Dumbledore’s use of spells.

He can only rely on direct assaults.

And between the 2 wizards…

Gandalf’s got a lot more firepower.

So even if Dumbledore can cast different kinds of magic…

It won’t save him if the battle to the death turns into fiery tactics. 

“Hey, Dumbledore can also create spells. Can’t he make 1 on the spot to beat Gandalf?”

Although it sounds like a very cheesy strategy…

Love is considered the strongest power in the Harry Potter universe.

So if many lives are at stake…

I wouldn’t put it past Dumbledore to create something amazing at that very moment.

However, this is still a very slim chance.

You don’t just create new spells out of thin air.

It takes a lot of time and focus.

So we can’t treat the battle in the same fashion as SpongeBob vs Goku.

The magical fantasy of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings doesn’t work that way.

Because these 2 wizards were known for planning and intelligence.

As a result, it’s a bit misleading to expect transformations mid-battle.

#7: Gandalf the White

If you thought Gandalf was strong enough…

All of the reasons above were in his Gandalf the Grey version.

Which is a much weaker and limited form.

But when Gandalf died to the Balrog.

He came back much stronger.

And he was known as Gandalf the White.

Of course, he still held the same morals.

Plus, most of his memories from the past were intact. 

So what was different?

Well, he was simply much more powerful and had more wisdom.

As a result, this would be the version Dumbledore goes up against.

And since the Headmaster of Hogwarts gets to be in his prime…

It’s only fitting that Gandalf’s in his strongest form too.

However, as far as the battle goes…

Dumbledore won’t last that long against Gandalf the White.

Albus already pales in comparison with Gandalf the Grey’s feats.

So it’s not looking too great for Harry Potter’s great wizard.

Bonus: Dumbledore still stands a chance

While the odds seem stacked against Dumbledore…

There’s 1 very important detail we need to remember.

Gandalf’s powers are limited because he’s only allowed to assist people.

And if the same reasoning applies to his battle against Dumbledore…

It becomes a more even fight than expected.

On top of that, Gandalf’s used to fighting in high fantasy.

So there are more beasts and creatures within a medieval setting.

In contrast, Dumbledore’s got access to more modern gadgets.

And these tools could catch Gandalf off guard and give the win to Dumbledore.

Things become a lot more different with the help of friends

Also, if the 2 wizards can call in some help…

Gandalf would be at a disadvantage.

Because Dumbledore’s got thousands of wizards to back him up.

Not to mention his influence on the wizarding world.

And what does Gandalf have in response?

Well, he might be strong.

But not everybody in Middle-earth had access to magic.

So with the power of friendship on Dumbledore’s side.

There’s a good chance he can win a battle as well.