The Weasleys were a happy bunch.
And it’s no wonder Harry Potter got along with them so well.
But as for the rest of the wizarding world?
Well, the Weasleys didn’t have the best reputation.
And it’s time we learn why they were called blood traitors.
Continue reading to discover:
- What a blood traitor is.
- How Weasleys viewed the Muggle world.
- Why the Weasleys have a bad reputation among pure-blood families.
- And so much more…
Why the Weasleys are considered blood traitors
They were called blood traitors because they helped muggles. Pure-blood families often looked down on people who couldn’t use magic. But the Weasleys were different. Sadly, other pure-bloods didn’t agree with them. So blood traitor is an insult for going against purity.
What does blood traitor even mean?
Although it might sound like a group of rouge vampires…
It’s nothing that scary.
Blood traitor is an insult.
And if you were a pure-blood that helped non-magical people…
You can expect to get called that slur often.
In the wizarding world, most families had an arrogant mindset.
So helping muggles wasn’t a good look.
You see, pure bloodlines thought associating with the non-magical community was beneath them.
Plus, there was an idea going around that introducing impurity weakened magic.
As a result, it was better to keep a family’s bloodline pure.
But were any of these beliefs true?
No, they weren’t.
In fact, Albus Dumbledore’s not even a pure-blood.
And he’s ranked as the strongest wizard ever.
Plus, a study shows diversity can have a lot of benefits.
So having muggles, half-bloods, and pure-bloods work together can provide broader perspective.
“Since the term’s useless, why have it there in the first place?”
Well, no world is perfect.
As a result, a universe filled with magic’s no exception.
It’s J.K. Rowling’s way of mirroring discrimination in the story.
And it’s why I love Harry Potter so much.
Because it tackled deeper topics despite starting out as a children’s book.
The Weasley family

The Weasleys were far from ordinary.
In fact, they had many talented wizards and witches in their family.
Like Arthur and Molly Weasley.
But the fascinating part?
Well, they’re part of the Sacred 28.
And that meant they were among the last few truly pure-blood families in Britain.
So it should stand to reason that they’re proud of it, right?
Well, that’s where things get interesting.
They hated being on that list.
But what’s the reason behind it?
The Weasleys argued they weren’t all pure-bloods.
Sadly, we can’t fact-check this claim.
So we’re going to have to take their word for it.
However, you can’t say stuff like that without any consequences.
And since other pure-blood families took pride in their blood purity.
It was an insult to their bloodlines.
What’s more, sympathizing with pro-muggle beliefs was the last straw.
As a result, that’s how the Weasley family got branded as blood traitors.
But does that make them bad people?
On the contrary, the Weasleys were the sweetest bunch you’d ever find.
In fact, they became Harry Potter’s 2nd family when he had nobody.
And watching this movie clip should be proof enough:
Sure, the Weasleys didn’t have much.
But that didn’t stop them from being kind.
And being called a blood traitor’s a hollow insult that doesn’t mean anything.
In fact, it’s a sign of being progressive.
Because the Weasley family didn’t care about blood purity.
They saw everyone as equals…
With or without magic.
A biased perspective
We view the world through Harry’s eyes.
And his experiences are what shape the story.
But what’s any of this got to do with the Weasleys, you ask?
Well, them being called blood traitors might be a biased perspective.
You see, tolerating muggles isn’t a new idea.
So there could be a bunch of other families that are just as kind.
Yet since Harry’s around the Weasleys more often…
We don’t get a clear picture of any other families being called blood traitors.
On top of that, the insult isn’t even used to call out pro-muggle beliefs.
It’s often said to annoy the Weasleys.
For example, a Slytherin said it to mock Ron when he was with Harry Potter.
But if it were anybody else in Ron’s place…
The Slytherin would’ve made the same comment.
On top of that, Pius Thicknesse also called Arthur Weasley a blood traitor.
But was it because of Arthur’s pro-muggle ideals?
No, Pius was only saying his opinion about Mr. Weasley.
And if it were anybody else…
Mr. Thicknesses would’ve made the same snarky comment.
As a result, the blood traitor insult isn’t unique to the Weasley family.
In fact, it could be a lot more common than we realize.
Other blood traitors in the wizarding world

While the Weasleys were the easiest ones to point out…
They’re not the only people who count as blood traitors.
For example, we also have Sirius Black.
He’s a very talented wizard.
And he came from 1 of the oldest pure-blood families.
But did he have the same arrogant beliefs?
No, he went against them.
As a result, he was disowned from the Black family tree.
And he was called a blood traitor.
Also, you don’t have to be a pure-blood to become a blood traitor.
You just needed to support the muggle community.
As a result, even the powerful Albus Dumbledore counted as a blood traitor.
Or Beedle the Bard for his pro-muggle stories.
But what can we learn from all of this?
Well, it doesn’t matter if you’re a pure-blood, half-blood, or a muggle.
And since research shows connecting with people is good for you.
Like getting some support when you feel down.
We shouldn’t let discriminatory ideas stop us from making friends.